Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's Sunday in Spring

It's Sunday in Spring

drink some coffee and drive to that building again
for the first time sit and take it in
what is really happening?
you fought with your kids
you put on your cloths
you say all the sayings
repeat all the prose
the sad faces around you
and the money you sent
to keep it all going
your life is now spent

next week take your family
just sit in the yard
talk about goodness and how blessed that you are
look at your children
tell them you care
sing songs together
sit in a chair
show them the calmness
that living can bring
forget about buildings
it's sunday in spring
who were those people to you anyway
someone your parents let raise you that way
parents remember that kids need YOUR love
parents remember that kids want YOUR love

(Don't let strangers and preachers and priest and leaders and politicians and law enforcement officers do for your kids what only you can and should do as a parent. Confess to your kids when you have wronged them and you will teach them to do the same to others. Don't dress them up and parade them in these make believe worlds filled with blindness and fear. It's time that we question these old old ways and these old old stories and start protecting our lives and our time and our money from such fear driven group think. Focus on "life before death" and then "life after death" will take care of itself. Don't let religion be a cheap substitute for time with your children or for a real community of your friends where they get to see real people living real lives all outside the smoke and mirrors of church and its piety of playing "god's house. God's house is everywhere, not just there !")

1 comment:

Matt said...
